In a dream, a group of pioneers was traveling through an unfamiliar forest. As they navigated the rough and unknown terrain, they witnessed a massive jet, engulfed in flames, plummeting into the forest. When the jet crashed, igniting the forest, some pioneers panicked and wanted to leave the group, fleeing away from the fire. I felt compelled to shout three times: “Get down on the floor! Get down on the floor! Get down on the floor!”.
Upon waking up, I was reminded of the Bible verse I recommended our pastor use for this week's sermon (our church allows members to suggest Bible verses for sermons, and it's my turn this week). Thursday's message will focus on Revelation 3:16-17: "So I will spit you out of my mouth, because you are only warm and not hot or cold. You say, 'I am rich and have many things. I need nothing.' You do not know that you are in trouble and need help. You are poor. You are blind. And you have no clothes to wear."
Last year, Christians in the West observed the collapse of several major ministries in the US. Scandalous activities that had been concealed for decades were uncovered, revealing various sins. Consequently, several prominent Christian figures faced public scrutiny, leading to upheaval and causing many to be hurt in the process.
Additional shock waves are forthcoming, leading to further collapses of major Christian ministries and movements in both the East and the West. This will result in the dissolution of partnerships and a shift from past practices. It will persist as a warning to the “Laodicean church,” symbolizing the church of this era, urging a return to a humble state of repentance.
Amidst the tremors and devastating fire, some will flee their churches in panic, while others will echo voices of condemnation. The appropriate response is to "go down on the floor," adopting a humble stance and prayerfully seeking God's mercy.
We can humbly and prayerfully ready ourselves for another shock wave. We can invite the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts for areas that are "lukewarm" (neither hot nor cold). We can seek the grace for profound repentance.
Whatever needs to take place,
It will take place.
What needs to be done,
It will get done.
It is a purging process.
I will survive.
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